Welcome to Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PiF) 2018!

The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University is organising Psycholinguistics in Flanders from 4th June to 5th June 2018 in the centre of historic Ghent, in Belgium. The call is now open for oral and poster presentations.
Participants wishing to present their work should submit a title and an abstract for their presentation before 31st March 2018.
What? Psycholinguistics in Flanders has a longstanding tradition (see History). It started in 2002 and since then it has been a central conference for psycholinguists in Belgium and it has quickly gained relevance in Europe thanks to the growing participation of international presenters and attendants. It involves researchers working in psycholinguistics from different perspectives (psychological, neurocognitive, linguistic, computational), interested in various aspects of language, such as reading, text comprehension, word processing, learning, speech production, speech perception, etc. Different approaches are discussed, going from behavioural studies to brain imaging and computational modelling. Methodological contributions are also welcome.
Why? PiF is particularly intended for early-career researchers (PhD students and young post-docs) who can present their newest data and receive feedback from peers and senior scientists. PiF is also the perfect occasion for networking, forming new collaborations and developing future career plans.
When? Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th June 2018
Where? In the centre of Ghent, Belgium (Het Pand - Onderbergen 1, 9000 Ghent)
Keynotes? Invited speakers are Elin Runnqvist (CNRS-AMU) and Falk Huettig (Max Planck)
Note that this year edition will also include an information session about the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions led by the staff from the UGent European Research Office. They will explain who is eligible, what is needed to apply, and some tips and tricks for a good proposal. This session is particularly addressed to early-career researchers (but everybody is welcome), with the intention to inform them about the options for their future career.
This year, the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University is organising Psycholinguistics in Flanders. The organization of PiF is partially supported by the Research Foundation of Flanders (FWO) and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 705046).
Organising committee: Alice Foucart, Simona Amenta, Marc Brysbaert, Robert Hartsuiker, Wouter Duyck
Scientific committee: Alice Foucart (UGent), Simona Amenta (UGent), Marc Brysbaert (UGent), Robert Hartsuiker (UGent), Wouter Duyck (UGent), Dominiek Sandra (Antwerp University), Sarah Bernolet (Antwerp University), Gert Storm (KU Leuven), Tom Heyman (KU Leuven), Arnaud Szmalec (UC Louvain), Fabienne Chetail (ULB)